Funeral Celebrant Services

Welcome. Understanding the significance of honoring the life and the legacy of your loved one is my priority. As and End of Life Doula and Legacy Expert, it's become an honor for me to support you during the most difficult times in our lives.
At such a challenging time, having a funeral celebrant by your side can bring comfort, support, and a personalized touch to the service. But what exactly is a funeral celebrant?
A funeral celebrant is a trained professional who specializes in creating unique, one-of-a-kind ceremonies that reflect the life, values, and beliefs of your loved one. I work closely with you and your family to craft a service that celebrates the individuality and memories of your loved one.
Having a funeral celebrant by your side during this difficult period is of utmost importance. I provide a compassionate and empathetic presence, helping you navigate through the emotional journey of saying goodbye. By taking the time to visit you at your Long Island NY home, a personal connection is established.
Spending hours in intimate conversation, I listen attentively to your loved one's story, their passions, and the memories that make them unique. Our lives should be celebrated, it's an honor for me to help with this.
With this deep understanding, I design a service that captures the essence of your loved one's life. From the eulogy to the order of services, every element is carefully crafted to honor their memory and provide solace to family and friends.
By entrusting your loved one's farewell to me... as a celebrant, you will experience a service that promotes healing, offers peace, and celebrates a life well-lived. Let us create a service with less anxiety and more love, ensuring a meaningful and memorable tribute for everyone involved.
Call 631-946-8100

Life Celebrations -
Your Way!

End of Life Celebrations are LIFE CELEBRATIONS! Celebrating a persons life is more important when they get to attend their event. We believe our lives are sacred blessings to be cherished and celebrated with love, connection and the memories we share. Whether it's a life celebration before a person leaves the world or held in their honor after they're gone, the key is to celebrate their life with honor, love and connecting. The memories you create will be the ones forever instilled in your hearts forever.
Celebrating Life embraces our existence and validates our time here on earth. Everyone of us has a journey to live before we move on. A good end of life celebration is thoughtfully planned and orchestrated to spend the day in memories, laughs and golden rare moments that will never be forgotten by anyone in attendance. This Life Celebration is not just any old gathering. It's crafted in such a way to promote healing, better grieving later on, thankfulness and shared intimate connecting.
Life Celebration
Is a life celebration right for you? - Some people Celebrate Life during the End of Life, before a person leaves. Some families don't have this opportunity so they plan their event after their loved one passes.
Either way, celebrating your loved one's life is important for everyone.

An Idea Is Born
The first step is knowing that a life celebration is right for you. The second is to contact us. We arrange a two part consultation to discuss "their story." What inspires them, their likes and dislikes, life experiences, dreams and wishes. When shaken into a unique and personalized recipe ... the result is MAGICAL! The journey, the event and the ingrained memories for generations to come.
Peaceful - Serene - Celebratory
You know the why, you know the when. We know the what and the how. Your event can be day or night, at the beach or in the park. A garden party with elegance or a roast to remember them. With your story and our creativity, your event will be remembered with purposeful design. As your storyteller, we offer you a distinctive and personalized "Life Celebration Event Plan." Themed music with elegant harps and strings, or a rock and roll band playing your favorite tunes. Your guest can wear all white or black-tie with hats... bathing suits and shorts or New York Giant Jerseys in a sports themed event.

We plan the details from soup to nuts. There could be speeches, readings, stories and memories shared. Gifts on the tables to melt your guests hearts. Letters given, wishes read and dreams for everyone there. A photographer to capture the love to be created in a magical memory book for friends and family. The possibilities are endless and this interactive and bonding event will be the picture in your mind that you will hold onto forever and ever.
The place - as magical or peaceful as you see it. The drinks can be high tea and exotic coffees or a beer and barbecue extravaganza. The food can be tea sandwiches to a seafood fest or any which way in-between. No matter what kind of theme, place, food or drinks, the goal is the same. To make your "LIFE CELEBRATION" go down in history. Not in our classic history books, but in the history of the love, and memories that every person will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

How it Works:
Contact us @ 631-946-8100 or email EastEndDoulaCare@gmail.com to set a time for us to learn "their story."
We will schedule a thirty minute zoom call to meet with us and learn a little more about how the process will unfold.
On the given day and time - preferably in a Zoom room, we will learn more about your story as you answer a series of questions over the course of an hour.
We will provide you with a "Life Celebration Event Plan."
Within seven days, you will be supplied with a full report to put your Life Celebration Event in Motion.
Included in this well rounded Plan, you find the following with additional options:
Extensive Research on how to unfold your personalized event.
Venues in your chosen area. (2-3 options)
Prices per person / Catering information
Decorations / Supplies needed
Contact information
Step by step instructions.
Timeline of event.
Personalized Options for your unique and personalized event: ex: Invitations, Favors, Readings, Music, Speakers, Recordings, Donations, Photography and so much more.