What an End-of-Life Doula Can Do For You
End of Life Doulas are similar, yet offer their own special services to you and your family depending on your particular timeline. It’s very important to know, like and trust your personal doula. Our main goal is to be a supporter and navigator to both the individual and their family. We are a supportive presence that helps you hold the space in order to alleviate stress and anxiety. I am Susan Capurso and live on Long Island in New York. I am specially trained in all 3 phases of end-of-life care, the Shock, Stabilization and Transition Phases. I guide and educate you to changing conditions and suggest interventions for increasing comfort and peace.
We help with unique and personal remembrances including eulogy writing, life celebrations and more. These can be done before or after a passing. We use many tools to help you find the meaning in your life, this is healing way to find closure and peace. Visualization, meditation and music therapy help tremendously with pain management, anxiety and fear.
We help organize and compartmentalize all of the different pieces going on in your life right now, whether it’s putting papers in order or donating. We make sure your important documents are in place and help lift the weight off your shoulders… today. We provide resources and direction as needed. We facilitate rituals, traditions and ceremonies if requested. We provide the missing puzzle pieces to life journey.
We help plan sacred spaces in memory of a passing. We can bring in any spiritual guidance needed during this precious time. We help arrange amends if needed, family visits, memory books, “the Story of Me” project, cards, letters and gifting. We help fulfill bucket lists, in person and virtually. These are just some of the things a doula offers, this... and so much more.
A doula’s support varies depending on your wishes and where you are at the present time.
East End Doula Care offers 3 Hour blocks of time, usually one to three days per week. This can be more if requested during your last weeks – Vigil Guidance.
We also offer Family Bereavement Support after a passing, as requested.
End of Life Doula Services - 631-946-8100

Online Zoom Consultations - Block of Four - 90 minute online sessions
A Doula guides and supports a person through their end of life journey from early diagnosis through transitioning. A Doula's tool bag is filled with many tools that will help this time flow smoothly. First, we evaluate your individual needs according to where you are today. Then we work together in coming full circle in your life. Below is only a small sample of the services we offer you. Our services are unique to every individuals needs and requests.
A Small Sample of Services
Journal and Documented Life Story
Thank you Project for Family and Friends
Future Mailings for Milestone Occasions
Thought Provoking Letters Sent
Life Celebration's Organized and Planned
Video's, Audios, Journaling and more
Gifting away, current possessions and new
Favorite Dinner Event
Bucket Lists Completed both physically and virtually
Advice Journal for future generations to come
Health History Binder for many generations after you
Video or Audio Sentiments to be viewed on Milestone Occasions
Friendship Book
Bedside Albums
Time Blocker Project
Preparing a Sacred Space
Support, guidance and companionship

Family SERVICES - 631-946-8100
With one family member or a room filled with thirty friends and family - Guidance, support and direction

Two - 75 minute Sessions - Online Zoom Room
When a person you love has a terminal diagnosis, everyone is filled with fear and anxiety. Not knowing what to do or say can be overwhelming and debilitating for all. All of your invites will get a link in their email to join us for two 90 minute sessions. In our sessions we will review ways to help and support their loved one and discuss the tools a Doula would bring to the table. We will chat, support one another, ask questions and have a safe space to bring your concerns.
Sessions are booked 2 at a time and extra sessions will be accommodated upon request.

Family Bereavement Support - 631- 946-8100
After passing, life is hard for everyone. It is devastatingly sad and confusing. There are so many things that need to be done and all you want is to curl up and check out. It's OK, you should.
An End of Life Doula is here for you. Not only before and during the transition, but well after. Unfortunately, there are things that still need to be done and sometimes not enough people to help.
There are many things we can help with after your loved one has passed. We help you with all your planning. Funeral, cremation, green burials, eulogies, obituaries, memorials, thank-you's and more. We help with phone calls, errands and mundane tasks that have to be done. We can even help to organize, donate or pack up a few things.
We help in planning Memorial events from beginning to end. We button up any End of Life projects implemented to be sure they are completed and given to family and friends.
We are there to hold the family now. We can visit you regularly and be sure you have the help, the resources and proper grieving tools. People come and go now. We can be your rock. If you need a hand we are here for you, however long you need us to be. Sometimes a little guidance and companionship is just what you need thereafter.
Please call to request time bocks and pricing.

WELL SAID Prof. Kellehear!
End of Life Doula Awareness is on the rise and we have people like you to thank. You hit the nail on the head! On behalf of End of Life Doulas ... we thank you!